Mr E Lloyd Jones, Abbotshill, Great Malvern received a telegram from the War Office on Christmas morning informing him of the death of his son, Major Percy Arnold Lloyd Jones DSO MB BC RAMC. The message was as follows:
“Deeply regret to inform you that Major P A Lloyd Jones on the RAMC Staff died of wounds on December 22nd. The Army Council expresses their sympathy. Secretary, War Office.”
Major Lloyd Jones was born 17th October 1876 at Brooklands, Cheshire. He was educated for the medical profession at Manchester Grammar School, Cambridge (graduating with honours in 1898) and St Bartholomew’s Hospital, taking a degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. He became a MRCS and LRCP (London) in 1904.
He volunteered for active service in the Boer War and took part in many important engagements, entering Pretoria with General Roberts for which service he received the QSA with clasps.,
On his return to Cambridge his services were recognised by his being made an Honorary Member of the Borough “For the patriotic conduct he displayed at a time of great national anxiety in leaving home as a volunteer for active service in South Africa.” A silver goblet presented at the same time was inscribed: “A tribute of respect from the town and University, as one of those who at their country’s call, left Cambridge for service in South Africa.”
On returning he rejoined the RAMC, being commissioned in 1904. At the time of the Messina Earthquake in 1908 Lloyd-Jones, recently promoted Captain, was stationed at Malta. He crossed to shattered city, rendering valuable help, which was recognised by HM the King of Italy by whom he was decorated with the Italian Red Cross Medal, and made a Knight of the Crown of Italy. (Un Chevalier de la Couronne d’Italie).
In the late Balkan War (1912-13) he rendered valuable assistance, and had a large share in the management of the Cholera Hospital behind the Chatalka lines near Constantinople, and was awarded a medal by the Turkish Government.
On the outbreak of the Great War in August 1914, he joined the BEF, going out to France in Lord Kitchener’s first boat with the 4th Field Ambulance. For his services in France and Flanders he was brought under the notice of General French, who twice mentioned him in dispatches.
He was promoted Major in July 1915 and had the honour of being received by HM the King at Windsor Castle, to be invested by His Majesty with the DSO. He returned to France and was gazetted as Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services to 46th (North Midland) Division.
He wrote a cheerful letter home on the 20th December which was received by his parents on the 21st, saying he hoped to be with them a day or two after Christmas. On the 21st December he, along with Capt H. Barton, M.C. of the 1/3rd North Midland Field Ambulance went forward to visiting Regimental Aid Posts and was severely wounded. He died of these wounds two hours later in the morning of 22nd December. One officer of the 1/3 NMFA wrote in his diary for that day (21st December):
“It was his [Major Lloyd-Jones’] last trip up the line previous to going on Xmas leave. It caused a mild sensation amongst us. Our Captain was to have relieved him. I wonder who will get his job now? His last words were to request Captn. Miller to thank the bearers who carried him down & attended to him.”
There was a well-attended memorial service in the Priory Church on Friday, January 5th at 12 noon for him. Dr Ernest Lloyd-Jones received a letter from Colonel Walter Beevor ADMS: “I cannot tell you how deeply grieved I am at this terrible calamity or how I sympathise with you and all his relations. The loss to me is irreparable. He was an officer of exceptional ability, upright and honourable to a turn, and this opinion is shared by the whole Division. We will see that all is done to perpetuate the memory of one so respected.”
He is commemorated in family plot at Great Malvern Cemy and lived at Abbotshill, Great Malvern.
Rick Allen 2016
Malvern News 27/2/15, 30/12/16, 13/1/17