Mrs Smith of 4, Clive Villas, Pickersleigh Road, whose husband L/Cpl G E Smith, RAMC died suddenly in Italy on the 31st December has received a letter from his Colonel – he wrote:
“I am very distressed to inform you of the death of your husband, who was attached to ambulance which I command. He passed away very suddenly as the result of a blood clot at the base of the brain. As far as we could see he was in perfect health, and had made no complaint of feeling ill. I left him in the office at 9 o’clock and when I was summoned about midnight I found him dead.
I saw much of him, as I spent half my day I the office sitting close to him. He always proved a thoroughly reliable and trustworthy clerk and had work of great importance to do. He never let me down. His place will be hard to fill. I cannot say how sorry I feel for you and the poor little children left in your charge.
Your husband was buried in the cemetery here, and al the officers and men who could be spared attended the service. We have erected a nice wooden cross and railed off the grave. I desire to express to you the very deepest sympathy of all the offices and men of the Ambulance, who mourn the loss of a good comrade.”
The deceased lived at Lower Wyche, and before he enlisted worked at Messrs Broad & Sons.
George Smith is commemorated at both Christchurch and All Saints, The Wyche.
Malvern News 26/1/18, 2/2/18