Captain Frank Bailey Perkins, R.F.A., killed in action, was the only son of Mr and Mrs F.B. Perkins, and Grandson of Mr Alfred Perkins, Handsworth, and the late Mrs S.E. Matthews, of Malvern House, Malvern. He was educated at Denstone College, Staffordshire, and was afterwards an Assistant Master at the Blind College, Whittington, near Worcester, and mathematical Master at Little Appley School, near Ryde, Isle of Wight.
The following letter has been received by Mrs Perkins from Lieut Col G.T. Mair:
“It is with the greatest grief that I have it confirm what I expect you have already heard from the War office, that your son, Capt F.B. Perkins was killed in action yesterday. It occurred about 9.30am, just after he had finished breakfast. It may relieve any anxiety you may have as regards any suffering he may have had, to know that your son was killed instantaneously. His death is a terrible blow to his Battery and to me. I have to mourn the loss not only of a very capable officer, but also a dear personal friend, who had endeared himself to me and others in many ways, but especially by his charm of manner. But our grief great as it is, can be nothing compared to the irreparable loss you have sustained; and on behalf of the officers of the Brigade, and the N.C.O.’s and men of his Battery, may I be allowed to offer you our sincerest sympathies. The Funeral is to take place this afternoon in the cemetery, the position of which the military authorities at home will doubtless acquaint you with.”
Malvern News 26/5/17