Captain Eric James Bethune Mackenzie
29th Battery, 42nd Brigade, 3rd Division, Royal Field Artillery, B.E.F.
Malvern Commemoration: The Priory Church of St Mary and St Michael,
Burial/Commemoration: Carnoy Military Cemetery
Nature of Death: Killed in action south of Montauban, France 8/7/1916
Age: 32
Next of Kin: Son of James and Jane Bethune Mackenzie of Daresbury, Priory Road, Great Malvern
Previous Employment: Army reservist with Boer War experience
Eric Mackenzie, commanding 29th Battery, Royal Field Artillery was killed when during a bombardment the dugout in which he was sleeping collapsed at 2 am on the 8th July 1917. The previous day his Battery had been in action covering the advance of the 8th Infantry Brigade south of Montauban.
War Diary of the 42nd Brigade RFA PRO: WO 95/?
Photo: Malvern College