Second Lieutenant Donald Litt Downes
4th Bn, The Worcestershire Regiment, 88th Brigade, 29th Division, T.F., B.E.F.
Malvern Commemoration: St Matthias Malvern Link,
Burial/Commemoration: Haringe (Bandaghem) Military Cemetery
Nature of Death: Died of wounds recieved during the recapture of Gheluvelt, Flanders 5/10/1918
Next of Kin: Husband of Mrs Downes of St Patrick, Hampden Road
Donald Downes was wounded during the Battle of Lys on the 4th September 1918 and then again, mortally during the recapture of Gheluvelt 29th – 30th September 1918.
Stevens Annual for 1914 Malvern 1914
Stacke, Capt H FitzM The Worcestershire Regiment in the Great War Kidderminster 1921