Charles Wylde was born in Brixton, London and gave his place of residence on enlistment as Malvern as his father was the manager of the Malvern branch of Lloyd’s Bank. On the 25th May 1915 the Worcester Daily Times reported: “The first Worcester Territorial to be killed in Sgt C G A Wylde, a member of the 8th Worcesters, the only son of Mr C A Wylde, manager of Lloyd’s Bank at Malvern. He was one of the first men to join the 8th Worcesters at the outbreak of war. At only 24 years of age he was engaged for some years at Lloyds Bank in Worcester under Mr H E Tovey. News was conveyed to Mr Tovey on the 21st May by Sgt Sidney P Maylett another clerk at the bank, and a friend of Wylde’s:
“‘You and all the staff will be deeply sorry to hear of the death of Wylde. He was shot through the head at 3.45 this morning. Death was instantaneous. He was looking over the parapet with his glasses, scanning the German line when a bullet caught him on the head and killed him instantly. He has all along proved at fine soldier; never grumbled at work or hardship, and he had his military duties at mind. He was simply worshipped by the men of his platoon. He will be greatly missed by the men of the Battalion and by no more than myself. We enlisted together.’
“The late Sgt Wylde had previously held a commission in a South Country Regiment, but gave that up and enlisted as a private soldier. His response to the call was ready and decisive. It will be remembered that war was declared at midnight, and early the next morning, he presented himself at the bank and said that he should enlist at once. He did so, and proving himself very keen and enthusiastic soldier was quickly promoted to sergeant. He showed and intense desire to be on active service, when two days before the 8th Battalion went to the front, he refused a commission in the East Kent (which had just been offered him) because by accepting it his opportunity for action would be delayed, of not postponed indefinitely. He had been at Lloyd’s Bank for several years and was held in the highest esteem by the manager and the whole staff.”
A memorial service was held after Evensong for Charles Wylde was held in Great Malvern Priory on Sunday 20th May 1915. A large congregation attended the service, which was officiated by Rev A Linzee Giles, Vicar of Malvern, Rev H M Faber and Rev G Neville Bennet.
Worcester Daily Times 25/5/15
Malvern News 5/6/15