Revd H Russell, Pastor of the Emmanuel Church, received official notification in December 1916 that his son was killed in May. Archibald Russell was 22 years old and educated at Reading. On leaving school he entered Messrs Raven Croft & Sons, Reading and from there passed on in 1912 to an appointment in the London County Council Architecture Section. He was a member of the Territorial Force and went to the front with a London Battalion in early 1915.
A comrade wrote: “It may be a little solace to you to know that we, the original 1st Bn men, who knew him, so intimately sincerely deplore the loss of so gallant a solder and so fine a colleague. He was a cheerful and staunch companion to all.”
His death occurred on the same day his younger brother was buried in Great Malvern Cemetery.
Malvern News 2/12/16