Walter Underhill, born in Madresfield, first served with the 1/8th Worcestershire Regiment. He was wounded at La Maisonette on the 23rd February 1917 and then again at The Mound, Templeux-le-Guerard on 5th April 1917. The latter was a minor wound and he was back with the unit the following day.
At some point after this, Underhill was posted to the 2/8th Battalion, and finally to the 14th Pioneer Battalion. In March 1919 the Malvern News reported: “Mr and Mrs Underhill of 48 Redland Road, Malvern Link have been notified that their son Pte Walter Underhill 14/Worcestershire Regiment died on the 20/4/18 in hospital from wounds received in action aged 21. He was twice wounded in 1917. Before joining up he worked for 4½ years at Malvern Hydro where he was much respected.”
Malvern News 29/3/19